2016年3月29日 星期二

Reason in Human Affairs By Herbert A Simon 的翻譯討論

Audiovisual Materials


1982 年在史坦福大學的講座*
在網路可以聽到第3講 "社會事務的理性過程" 前46分鐘的錄音檔

The Harry Camp Memorial Fund was established in 1956 by friends and associates of Harry Camp. A prominent businessman and philanthropist in San Francisco, Camp was described as a "gentle and wise humanitarian." The fund brings outstanding speakers to the University for public lectures and promotes the study of "the concept of the dignity and the worth of the individual." The Camp Lectures are presented every other year.

  • 1983. Reason in Human Affairs, Stanford University Press. A readable 115pp. book on human decision-making and information processing, based on lectures he gave at Stanford in 1982. A popular presentation of his technical work.

林鍾沂譯 《人類事務的理性》台北:森大,1988 (本文稱為林譯本)
汪永祺先生也有一份翻譯稿,約1999交給我。 (手稿本稱為汪譯本)
...certainly the hopes we hold out for reason in our world today are much more modest. (p.3 全書第一段) 
(這是說,當今我們不會像18世紀理性時代的人,認為只要靠理性用心去思考,就可以解決世間萬事。) 今天我們對理性所抱的希望,確定遠比前人的來得謙遜得多。

林譯本:......。無庸置疑的,今天在這個世界上支持理性的熱望可謂相當的普遍。 (頁 一)
汪譯本:......;但時至今日,我們對唯理是從的堅持倒確然本分得多了。 (我看了幾遍才知道"唯理是從"加引號比較清楚。)

1. Alternative Visions of Rationality
他倆都將 VISION 翻譯成"觀"。又,Alternative 在管理科學等偏向"備選(方案)"。

  心的旅行又不以表面的物質世界為限!它用實實在在的一支鋼筆,在實實在在的白瑞典紙簿上一張張寫著日記;它馬上就能看出鋼筆与白紙只是若干若 干的微點,叫做電子的——各電子間有許多的空隙,比各電子的總積還大。這正像一張“有結而無線的网”1

The ABC Of Atoms (9781409791218): Bertrand Russell ...

2016年3月26日 星期六

Accreditation Council ;《艾蜜莉.狄金生詩選》印刷錯行

對全國受訓醫師制定規則的美國畢業後醫學教育評鑑委員會(Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, ACGME)對受訓醫師制定了一套每班工時上限24小時及每週上限80小時的規定。過去每班36小時及每週100小時的工時規定消逝了,而他們也希望:隨之而來的危險疏失也同樣消逝。
  1. 学力認定
  1. 《名詞》認定,認可
  1. 3 〈学校・大学などを〉一定の基準を満たしていると認定[認可]する.




謹以此note紀念 十多年前 一群朋友的談論艾蜜莉.狄金生的詩之翻譯,請參考:

Emily Dickinson: "We Grow Accustomed to the Dark," is put in motion. "My friends are my 'estate.' Forgive me then the avarice to hoard them."

Emily Dickinson《艾蜜莉.狄金生詩選》George Lytle,董恆秀譯,台北::貓頭鷹出版社,2000

Part Four: Time and Eternity

ON this wondrous sea,
  Sailing silently,
Knowest thou the shore
  Ho! pilot, ho!
Where no breakers roar,        5
  Where the storm is o’er?

在眾帆歇息 (sic)
In the silent west
錨繫穩住 (sic)
Many sails at rest,
安詳的西方 (sic)
  Their anchors fast;
Thither I pilot thee,—        10
Land, ho! Eternity!
  Ashore at last!


 In the silent west
Many sails at rest,
Their anchors fast

台灣電影名都是「玩命、終極、追殺、決戰」,Otouto 中文片名的翻譯【春之櫻】過份想當然爾

/在台灣,外語片的翻譯由片商決定,翻譯種類繁多,不論是直譯(如《Shrek 史瑞克》)、流行用語翻譯(如《Three Days to Kill 特務殺很大》)還是依劇情翻譯(如《Princess Diaries 麻雀變公主》)等等,台灣片商都抓緊一個原則「市場考量至上」,為了方便常取一些適用於商業推銷的片名。正因如此,台灣片名翻譯常背離電影本意,甚至出現了菜市仔翻譯名。



 午夜補前幾分鐘未看的 婚禮是在Okura Hotel 舉行 拜其大哥之幫忙 旅館內有教堂 這我倒不知道


Ginko seems to be living the good life: She's the respectable owner of a neighborhood drug store in Tokyo, and her daughter Koharu is about to get married to a doctor. However, Koharu's wedding day also brings homes Ginko's younger brother Tetsuro, a failed actor and a hard drinker who shows up causing trouble. Having covered for him all her life, Ginko is ready to disown her burdensome younger brother, but some things are easier said than done...

BERLIN -- "They don't make 'em like this anymore," is what one would say about "About Her Brother" ("Otouto"), Yoji Yamada's first contemporary drama in a decade, about a widow's bottomless love for her prodigal brother and other lives touched by her kindness. Only Yamada, 79 and director of more than 70 films, has the confidence, craft and cache to make it so orthodox and melodramatic, and still claim a Closing Film slot at Berlinale. Invitations to other big festivals will follow suit, with sales most ripe in Asian markets with a "Tora-san" fanbase, especially Taiwan.


Otouto (Japanese) A word in the Japanese language often meaning 'younger brother'.


■ 播出時間:4/22(週日)中午12點半首播/晚間12點重播

2016年3月25日 星期五

epitomized America at its best. To build the collection was as much a means as an end

To build the collection was as much a mean (sic 應該是 means ) as an end.
這是談收藏既是手段也是目的 (a means as well as an end),此處 an end 竟然翻譯成"結束"。


he epitomized America at its best  他是美國極盛期的一個典型人物。

'My House. My Dream. It Was All an Illusion.'
彭博報導,英特爾執行長科再奇(Brian Krzanich)在公司官網聲明說:「英特爾前董事長與執行長葛洛夫辭世,我們深感難過。」他說:「葛洛夫讓不可能變成可能,一次又一次,激勵好幾代技術專家、企業家與企業領導人。」
Andy Grove was one of the giants of the technology world. He loved our country and epitomized America at its best. Rest in peace.
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) 2016年3月22日蘋果執行長庫克在推特(Twitter)說:「葛洛夫是科技界數一數二的巨人。他熱愛我們的國家,並激勵美國呈現最好的一面,願您安息。」http://technews.tw/2016/03/22/andy-grove-intel-pass-away/ (hc評:翻譯不佳)


Latina's Loss in Va. Epitomizes Mortgage Crisis

(By Brigid Schulte, The Washington Post)一個文人典型的消逝【黃碧端/聯合報2008.03.19-20】

The loss of an epitome of Chinese writer and translator: George Kao

━━ n. 典型; 代表的なもの; 縮図; 摘要.
 e・pit・o・mize ━━ vt. 要約する; (…の特徴を)集約する.

the epitome of sth the typical or highest example of a stated quality, as shown by a particular person or thing:
Even now in her sixties, she is the epitome of French elegance.

epitomizeUK USUALLY epitomise
verb [T]
to be a perfect example of a quality or type of thing:
With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she epitomizes the inexperienced and unprepared mountain walker.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

2016年3月24日 星期四

terrorism不是恐怖主義 ;alcoholism 是酗酒; syllogism非連珠;

12年前討論過 "-ism"的翻譯



Pronunciation: /ˈtɛrərɪzəm/ 


The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims:the fight against terrorisminternational terrorism


Late 18th century (in reference to the rule of the Jacobin faction during the the period of the French Revolution known as the Terror): from French terrorisme, from Latin terror (seeterror)..

  1. [名詞]
  2. 1 テロリズム,テロ行為.
  3. 2 テロによる恐怖状態.
  4. 3 恐怖政治.

In Search Of Alcoholism Genes 尋找酗酒基因

這alcoholism是對酒有依賴的 有酒精中毒症的
([名][U]アルコール依存症, アルコール中毒(症).)

酗酒的一說只是"飲酒無節制"。(儒林外史˙第十八回:「你既是生員,如何黑夜酗酒!帶著送在儒學去!」) 似乎還沒到alcoholism 之程度.....

饒宗頤:《澄心論萃》胡曉明編(上海文藝出版社,1996 ,第54則 頁132-35

討論syllogism的翻譯, 指出嚴復將其格義為"連珠"是錯誤的。


  • 発音記号[sílədʒìzm]

1 《論理学》三段論法;[U]演繹(えんえき)的推理[推論].
2 きわめて手のこんだ議論[考え方].

曾將所謂三段論syllogism 翻譯成推論


Pronunciation: /ˈsɪləˌdʒɪz(ə)m/

Definition of syllogism


  • an instance of a form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two given or assumed propositions (premises); a common or middle term is present in the two premises but not in the conclusion, which may be invalid (e.g. all dogs are animals; all animals have four legs; therefore all dogs have four legs).
  • [mass noun] deductive reasoning as distinct from induction.

 2. 連珠
 注音一式 ㄌ|ㄢˊ ㄓㄨ
 漢語拼音 li n zh  注音二式 li n j 

 1. 推論
 注音一式 ㄊㄨㄟ ㄌㄨㄣˋ
 漢語拼音 tu  l n 注音二式 tu i lu n
 相似詞 引申 相反詞 


 傅東華1893-1971)是1930年代活躍於大陸的左傾文人,生前譯作等身,譯風不拘,文類跨小說、詩歌、戲劇、文學理論,雖然終其一生未曾踏上台灣寶島,然其譯作卻在台灣廣為流傳,包括《飄》、亞里斯多德《詩學》(Ars Poetica)、荷馬《奧德賽》(Odyssey)和《伊利亞德》(Iliad)、米爾頓《失樂園》、塞萬提斯《吉訶德先生傳》(Don Quixote)、霍桑《猩紅文》(The Scarlet Letter……等,共計20種。然而,由於受政治因素所囿,台灣出版傅東華譯作時,大多未署名,或署以「顧隱」、「傅均」等假名。*---Miss Luffa: 【譯評】《飄》洋過海,在台生根missluffa.blogspot.com/2013/06/blog-post_17.html

......改為《飄》,"飄"的本意為"迴風",就是"暴風"**。原名wind 本屬廣義,....指"暴風"而說的;"飄"又有"飄揚"、"飄逝"之義,又把 Gone的意味也包含在內。***.....


*** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gone_with_the_Wind

The title Mitchell finally chose is from the first line of the third stanza of the poem Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae sub Regno Cynarae by Ernest Dowson:

I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind,
Flung roses, roses riotously with the throng,
Dancing, to put thy pale, lost lilies out of mind...[7]
Scarlett O'Hara uses the title phrase when she wonders to herself if her home on a plantation called "Tara" is still standing or if it is "gone with the wind which had swept through Georgia."[8] In a general sense, the title is a metaphor for the departure of a way of life that existed in the South prior to the Civil War. When taken in the context of Dowson's poem about "Cynara", the phrase "gone with the wind" alludes to erotic loss.[9] The poem expresses the regrets of someone who has lost his passionate feelings for his "old passion", Cynara.[10]Dowson's Cynara, a name that comes from the Greek word for artichoke, represents a lost love.[11]




Scarlett O'Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when
caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.  In her face were
too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast
aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid
Irish father.  But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin,
square of jaw.  Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel,
starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends.
Above them, her thick black brows slanted upward, cutting a
startling oblique line in her magnolia-white skin--that skin so
prized by Southern women and so carefully guarded with bonnets,
veils and mittens against hot Georgia suns.


2016年3月22日 星期二

談傅譯、嚴譯Bid Adieu to Girlish Days (From Chamber Music by James Joyce)

Click to play music clip of track 1

From CD #1:
Bid Adieu to Girlish Days

Musical arrangement by Edmund Pendleton;
words and air by James Joyce

Song Lyrics

From Chamber Music by James Joyce

Bid adieu, adieu, adieu,*
Bid adieu to girlish days,
Happy Love is come to woo
Thee and woo thy girlish ways —
The zone that doth become thee fair,
The snood upon thy yellow hair.
When thou hast heard his name upon
The bugles of the cherubim
Begin thou softly to unzone
Thy girlish bosom unto him
And softly to undo the snood
That is the sign of maidenhood.

*To be pronounced "adioo" by the singer, according to Pendleton, since that is how Joyce pronounced it.
請欣賞"歌聲":Bid Adieu to Girlish Days - James Joyce Music in Ulysses


另外是【我們的一生】The Art of Becoming Human By MARY E. MERCER,  嚴韻譯,台北:一方,2002,頁108-109

            girlish     maidenhood  unzone   zone        snood
傅譯    少女        處女童真     敞開         腰帶       髮帶
嚴譯   小女孩      少女            敞開          束胸      髮網

 James Joyce 的girlish 取直接多義的girl 加ish,


snood 台灣稱"髮網",不過,在Joyce 家鄉,另有說法:
       "...Thus, the phrase "The lassie lost her silken snood" would have been used to signify that she was no longer a virgin, yet not a wife...."
Bid Adieu to Girlish Days - James Joyce Music in Ulysses


HC:我認為你喜歡將原書的句點化為逗點,這有何好處?我認為缺點是您可能誤解語氣/思考方式,如"....If the artistic quality..."
HC:我覺得余光中的理解力太淺薄。L. Carroll和許多作者是思考受過訓練的"教授"。 標點是作者思想方式之反映。

《理性真理與歷史》 "Putnam, Hilary - Reason, Truth And History"

中國的網頁:作者 : (美)希拉里・普特南 

出版社:上海譯文出版社原作名: Reason, Truth, and History  (sic)譯者 : 童世駿 / 李光程出版年: 2005-5 頁數: 285 定價: 25.00元裝幀:平裝叢書: 

標點:Victor Borge: Phonetic punctuation; interrobang, a question-exclamation hybrid;標點符號二書: Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation; The New Well Tempered Sentence: A Punctuation Handbook for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed


借小邱簡短扼要的介紹,分享諸友,懷念 Lynn Miles 。安息!這場與邪惡搏鬥的仗,您已打過了!此刻我以播放 J. Brahms 的德文安魂曲送行。Brahms 在終曲用啟示錄第14章第13節:「我聽見從天上有聲音說,你要寫下,從今以後,在主裡面而死的人有福了。聖靈說,是的,他們息了自己的勞苦,作工的果效也隨著他們 。」結束全曲。Lynn Miles,感謝你對台灣的勞苦! 

若望默示錄 Revelation

13 以後,我聽見有聲音從天上說:「你寫下:『從今而後,凡在主內死去的,是有福的!』的確,聖神說,讓他們勞苦之後安息罷,因為他們的功行常隨著他們。」


正解:「台灣迎向挑戰—打造亞洲新價值的典範」(Taiwan Meeting the Challenges:Crafting a Model of New Asian Value)

主題:「台灣迎向挑戰—打造亞洲新價值的典範」(Taiwan Meeting the ChallengesCrafting a Model of New Asian Value)。


  • Durant, Will (2014) Fallen Leaves. Simon and Schuster 這是威爾杜蘭九十多歲時寫的最後一部書,過世後一段日子才被找到。台北:?? 2015  
  • Durant, Will and Durant, Ariel

Dr. Durant also is planning something tentatively entitled
“Fallen Leaves.” “In which I propose—perhaps with Ariel’s
help—to answer all the important questions—simply, fairly
and imperfectly,” he said.
B.B.H. Independent, Tuesday, November 6, 1975


B.B.H. Independent, Tuesday, November 6, 1975

表示"B.B.H. Independent "是報紙,不可拆開來談。


原作的標點是很重要的。 上周(2013.8)我介紹

In Memory of Sigmund Freud. by W. H. Auden

 這首名詩 In Memory of Sigmund Freud. by W. H. Auden ,其實也不難懂。請特別注意它的標點符號,  尤其冒號和分號。這些是原作者的思想。

第16頁的 拉飛爾作品,可參考:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villa_Madama
中文將第三卷1540/84 的"單位"搞錯: 翻譯成"年"。 其實,這"/"可能指"or" , 即該卷書的第1540頁或1584頁。  參考:  Punctuation Marks - Guide to Grammar and Writing
Palladio and Palladianism 帕拉底歐與帕拉底歐風


最近才慢慢體會「離權力愈近,離自己愈遠」的名言!這會讓我懷念起大衞、梭羅這位美國作家;想一想,我受他的影響太深了,骨子裡都充滿他的理念:Simplicity! Simplicity!

亨利·戴維·梭羅(Henry David...

compliance 中日台譯法

The ZTE document details how F7 recruited compliance experts and placed them in its joint ventures as part of efforts to mitigate its risks. It says that the company recruited one “senior export control compliance specialist from Texas Instruments” and a “Chinese-American attorney who is familiar with the related laws in the U.S.”
中興的文件詳細講述了F7如何聘用合規專家,並將他們安置在合資企業,以此作為減少風險的舉措的一部分。文件稱,該公司聘用了「德州儀器(Texas Instruments)的資深出口管制合規專員」及一名「熟悉美國相關法律的美國華人律師」。

At a minimum, the Obama administration is preparing to set yearly fuel-economy standards that will lead to compliance with the Energy Act of 2007, which sets a fuel-economy goal for 2020.

Officials have come knocking on parents’ doors day and night. They are so intent on getting parents to comply that in one case, a mayor offered to pay the airfare of a mother who left the province so she could return to sign the contract, the mother said.
Google Aims to Protect YouTube Users
Lawyers for Google asked Viacom for permission to better hide information that might help identify YouTube users before Google complies with a judge's demand that it hand over YouTube "user logs" to Viacom.

現在,防止洗錢(anti money-laundering)或內線交易的法令日多,即「遵循(法令)成本」(compliance cost)日高。(regulator compliance 法令遵循主管;chief compliance officer首席法令遵守官員)
Demand Rises for Bank Compliance Officials
Demand for compliance executives is soaring, and banks are paying top dollar to recruit experienced talent in an effort to keep up with numerous anti money-laundering requirements imposed on financial institutions.
經濟學:Tax compliance 守法納稅 

verb [I] FORMAL
to act according to an order, set of rules or request:
He's been ordered to have the dog destroyed because it's dangerous, but he refuses to comply.
There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.

noun [U]
1 FORMAL when people obey an order, rule or request:
It is the job of the inspectors to enforce compliance with the regulations.
The company said that it had always acted in compliance with environmental laws.

2 MAINLY DISAPPROVING the tendency to be too willing to do what other people want you to do:
It's his compliance that amazes me.
compliance依照、一致;符合;守規性(compliancy;日文有時音譯為:コンプライアンス 本文多採 compliance法令遵守
與一般市民遵守法律作區別,企業活動方面的「法令遵守」或稱為Business Compliance「ビジネスコンプライアンス」)。
reliability compliance test可靠度適合試驗(統計學、生產自動化名詞)可靠性符合測試(電子計算機) 
電子計算機:regulatory compliance 法規符合性;regulator compliance法令遵循主管;chief compliance officer首席承諾官員;ANSIC compliance符合ANSI C規範
海事compliance with a warranty履行保證規定 non-compliance with a warranty未履行保證 
document of compliance符合證書
核能(原子能)certificate compliance合格證明