2017年9月14日 星期四

utopia, dystopia (康正果:歹托邦) , heterotopia... 聽Mark Zuckerberg之言,觀其行;( Facebook)Heterotopia: Timeline 動態時報

在我的評等,Facebook的翻譯能力差Google的一大截,或差一級 (10倍)。


Tapping a neural network to translate text in chunks

Heterotopia is a concept in human geography elaborated by philosopher Michel Foucault to describe places and spaces that function in non-hegemonic conditions.

Google:異質性是哲學家米歇爾·福柯(Michel Foucault)闡述的人類地理學中的概念,用於描述在非霸權條件下運作的地方和空間。



Heterotopia follows the template established by the notions of utopia and dystopia. The prefix hetero- is from Ancient Greek ἕτερος (héteros, "other, another, different") and is combined with the Greek morpheme τόπος ("place") and means "other place". A utopia is an idea or an image that is not real but represents a perfected version of society, such as Thomas More's book or Le Corbusier's drawings. As Walter Russell Mead has written, "Utopia is a place where everything is good; dystopia is a place where everything is bad; heterotopia is where things are different — that is, a collection whose members have few or no intelligible connections with one another."[2]

Foucault uses the term "heterotopia" (Frenchhétérotopie) to describe spaces that have more layers of meaning or relationships to other places than immediately meet the eye. In general, a heterotopia is a physical representation or approximation of a utopia, or a parallel space (such as a prison) that contains undesirable bodies to make a real utopian space possible.




Julianna Baggott's dystopian novel stratifies survivors of the apocalypse.

Op-Ed: Uncle Ray’s Dystopia

Ray Bradbury didn’t just extrapolate the evolution of gadgetry; he foresaw how it would stunt and deform our psyches.

LOS ANGELES — For those who find consolation in visionary architecture, this city has always been a powerful antidepressant. Its wealth of 20th-century treasures, mostly private homes, reminds us that it is possible to find quiet corners of enlightenment in dystopian times.

noun [C or U]
(the idea of) a perfect society in which everyone works well with each other and is happy

a utopian vision
utopian aims

utopian (烏托邦) 的相反字為 dystopian,

歹托邦(dystopia)是烏托邦的反義詞,希臘語的字面意思是“不好的地方”。與理想中那種完美的境域完全相反,歹托邦乃指極端惡劣的社會形態。西方作家創作了很多有關歹托邦的虛構作品,多是描繪反人性的極權政府和高科技畸形發展所導致的生態災難。此類作品的故事背景多設定在未來,旨在警示世人關注現實世界中有關社會制度、環境保護、道德倫理和科學技術方面的問題。1868年,約翰·密爾(John S. Mill)在英國下議院發表演講時首次使用了“歹托邦”一詞,他指責政府的愛爾蘭土地政策說,“把它稱作烏托邦也許過於褒獎,我看稱其為歹托邦才恰如其分。我們常用烏托邦指稱某些太美好而難以實現的事情,但這個現行的政策實在不好,它根本是行不通的。”1
1、See  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dystopia


Jiayan Mi 覺得震驚──和 Kang-i Sun Chang 。
康正果老师把 dystopia 戏译成 “歹托邦”scoundrel/ruffian/rogue/asshole country, 而不是通常流行的“恶托邦”/evil/wicked! Very politically subversive!


MIT Technology Review

Facebook might understand your romantic prospects better than you do. (via The Atlantic)

When You Fall in Love, This Is What Facebook Sees
“During the 100 days before the relationship starts, we observe a slow but steady increase in the number of timeline posts shared between the future couple.”

How do I post to my Timeline? | Facebook Help Center | Facebook

Your Timeline is where you can see your posts or posts you've been tagged in displayed by date. YourTimeline is also part of your profile. You can post to your ...


How do I post to my Timeline? | Facebook Help Center | Facebook

Your Timeline is where you can see your posts or posts you've been tagged in displayed by date. YourTimeline is also part of your profile. You can post to your ...
