2016年11月15日 星期二

puns:嚴如玉、Spirit of Taiwan.《雞籠霧雨》;water pressure;《批評之路》 The Critical Path: An Essay on the Social Context of Literary Criticism By Northrop Frye


Financial Times
Spirit of Taiwan.

Alternating hot and cold seasons create an enhanced “breathing” dynamic…

The key to managing water better is to price it properly, giving consumers a reason not to waste it and investors an incentive to build infrastructure to supply it

我們知道,高有工教授的文學理論,受到加拿大大師Northrop Frye (1912-1991)的影響。
很幸運的,Northrop Frye的部分書籍,北京的教師們,在90年代中 (1995),取得加拿大的幫忙,組織"弗萊研究叢書" ,翻譯出版了近10本書 (含研究的文章集)。

因為Northrop Frye堅持,一個學人的理論,是一輩子要"一以貫之"的,否則不足道。我就選擇用這篇重要的論文來當高有工教授的文學理論的試金石:

此論文The Critical Path: An Essay on the Social Context of Literary Criticism (1970)的修正版,有中文書: 《批評之路》王逢正、琴明利和譯,北京:北京大學,1998

這篇的開頭一段,就用一雙關語Critical Path (在工商業,我們稱Critical Path為"要徑") 和康德的《純理性批判》首章末句來說明他做學問的心路歷程。

The Critical Path: An Essay on the Social Context of Literary ... - JStor

by N Frye - ‎1970 - ‎Cited by 45 - ‎Related articles
NORTHROP FRYEThe Critical Path: An Essay on the Social Context of Literary Criticism1. I. The phrase "The Critical Path" is, I understand, a term in business.

The Critical Path: An Essay on the Social Context of Literary Criticism

Northrop Frye
Vol. 99, No. 2, Theory in Humanistic Studies (Spring, 1970), pp. 268-342
Published by: The MIT Press on behalf of American Academy of Arts & Sciences
