2016年7月1日 星期五

芝加哥大學校訓; Prof. Nietzsche Dead

2014.7.2 看芝加哥大學人文基本學院的畢業典禮,有意思。
Crescat scientia;
vita excolatur
Let knowledge grow from more to more; and so be human life enriched.

2年後之今天2016.7.2 ,讀芝加哥大學校訓之拉丁文的文法解釋。
有意思的是,Wikipedia 中文版 為:益智厚生
(學校類型:私立大學,而其英文為:Type Private nondenominational coeducational (Google:民辦非宗派的男女同校))


昨天談poetic justice。其實poetic 一字,除了與詩情相關,一直與"美和豐富的情感流露"相關(
Poetic第2義: APPROVING very beautiful or expressing emotion。)

今 天讀1900 年8月26日【紐約時報】發的"尼采教授的訃聞"(Prof. Nietzsche Dead),文末說明他的主要著作(principal publications)
 "The Old Faith and the New,"* "The Overman," "The Dawn of Day," "Twilight of the Gods," and "So Spake Zrathustra," which is perhaps the most remarkable of his works.

*2016.7.2  :這本應該非尼采作品:
German philosopher and radical theologian David Friedrich Strauss (1808-1874) distinguished himself as one of Europe's most controversial critics of the Bible and an intellectual martyr for freethought. In The Old Faith & the New (1872) he uses both 19th- century science and leading philosophers to reject God as the creator of the universe and humankind, the divinity of Christ, and the reality of miracles (the Old Faith), thus consigning religion to the domains of history, myth, and ethics. With Christianity's cosmology undermined, Strauss constructs a new view of the universe and humanity's place in it grounded in science and contemporary technology, Darwinian evolution, and inductive reasoning (the New Faith), all of which offered the hope of finding solutions to human problems.
