2016年10月25日 星期二

談 moment of truth

Tesla Motors has a low bar to hurdle in Wednesday’s earnings report as analysts have slashed estimates.
Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk raised the ante for third-quarter results. Analysts have been lowering it ever since.

The moment of truth.

Word of the Day:
moment of truth (MOH-muhnt of trooth)

noun: A crucial point; a turning point; a decisive moment.

Loan translation of Spanish el momento de la verdad. In bullfighting, the moment when a matador is about to kill the bull is called el momento de la verdad.

"The moment of truth has arrived for the euro. The 16-nation monetary union faces its greatest test Wednesday in Athens, as the Greek government orders last-ditch radical cuts in hopes of preventing the eurozone's first debt default and a wider financial and monetary disaster." — Doug Saunders; Greece Set to Impose Austerity Measures; The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada); Mar 2, 2010.

十幾年前(可能近 20年),台灣翻譯一本談北歐航空公司生意和服務品質的書:
『關鍵時刻』( Moments of truth by J Carlzon - 1989 - New York: Perennial Library

這書名有典故,是 1932年海明威(Ernest Hemingway )寫 Death in the Afternoon 時,從西班牙文的el momento de la verdad 翻譯過來的,原先的 the moment of truth 是指闘牛時最後鬥牛士瞄準、給牛致命一刺的瞬間。後來引伸為「一大危機[転機] .」。( A critical or decisive time, at which one is put to the ultimate test, as in Now that all the bills are in, we've come to the moment of truth—can we afford to live here or not? )

管理學上,想讓服務過程的互動更為人性化,所以有這方面的說法: The humanization of service: respect at the moment of truth by GR Bitran, J Hoech - Sloan Management Review, 1990  或醫療上When this initial moment of truth goes well, a positive cycle begins be- tween the customer and the organization; when it goes poorly, it may be difficult to ... 

2016.3,我們檢討鄭明萱的翻譯此 moment of truth,
---《認識媒體》(Understanding Media ,台北:貓頭鷹出版社,2006)

由於有PDF檔案,我們可以研究鄭明萱譯3處MOMENT OF TRUTH,了解她可能不知道此海明威譯自西班牙文的片語:

 In Forster's novel the moment of truth and dislocation from the typographic trance of the West comes in the Marabar Caves. Adela Quested's reasoning powers cannot cope with the total inclusive field of resonance that is India. After the Caves: Lite went on as usual, but had no consequences, that is to say, sounds did not echo nor thought develop. Everything seemed cut off at its root and therefore infected with illusion." 

The hybrid or the meeting of two media is a moment of truth and revelation from which new form is born. For the parallel between two media holds us on the frontiers between forms that snap us out of the Narcissus-narcosis. The moment of the meeting of media is a moment of freedom and release from the ordinary trance and numbness imposed by them on our senses. 

The film pushed this mechanism to the utmost mechanical verge and beyond, into a surrealism of dreams that money can buy. Nothing is more congenial to the film form than this pathos of superabundance and power that is the dower of a puppet for whom they can never be real. This is the key to The Great Gatsby that reaches its moment of truth when Daisy breaks down in contemplating Gatsby's superb collection of shirts. Daisy and Gatsby live in a tinsel world that is both corrupted by power, yet innocently pastoral in its dreaming
