2016年3月21日 星期一



主題:雜談鄭明萱譯作《認識媒體》(Understanding Media ,台北:貓頭鷹出版社,2006)、《青花瓷的故事》(The Pilgrim Art: Cultures of Porcelain in World History By Robert Finlay,台北:貓頭鷹出版社,2011) 等等。
日期:3月27日(周日),10:00 ~ 12:00


電話:(02) 2365012

報名 (Free and For All):hcsimonl@gmail.com。梁永安、繆詠華、張華、鍾漢清等人已報名。



Understand Media 原文

(The Pilgrim Art - Google Books

books.google.com › History › World
Jan 18, 2010 - Illuminating one thousand years of historyThe Pilgrim Art explores the ... The book tells the fascinating story of how porcelain became a vehicle for the ...Robert Finlay, Professor of History at the University of Arkansas, is the author of Politics ... About Google Books - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - Blog ...)



Marshall Mcluhan Full lecture: The medium is the message - 1977 part 1 v 3
諸多有趣的見解:他是"英文"教授,所以提醒 read 的原義是guess.....

有的〔心理〕名詞如" 閾下" (subliminal )等,似應解釋。


中文46頁 vs 
"Adventures do occur, but not punctually."
--from "A Passage to India" (1924)
Britain’s three-hundred-year relationship with the Indian subcontinent produced much fiction of interest but only one indisputable masterpiece: E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India, published in 1924, at the height of the Indian independence movement. Centering on an ambiguous incident between a young Englishwoman of uncertain stability and an Indian doctor eager to know his conquerors better, Forster’s book explores, with unexampled profundity, both the historical chasm between races and the eternal one between individuals struggling to ease their isolation and make sense of their humanity.

If the nineteenth century was the age of the editorial chair, ours is the century of the psychiatrist's couch. As extension of man the chair is a specialist ablation of the posterior, a sort of ablative absolute of backside, whereas the couch extends the integral being. The psychiatrist employs the couch, since it removes the temptation to express private points of view and obviates the need to rationalize events.




 Centuries later, when further explosion and expansion had exhausted the powers of private action, corporate enterprise invented the idea of Public Debt, making the individual privately accountable for group action.

millionaires like Ruskin and Morris 翻譯錯誤 toiled like navvies for esthetic reasons

navvy is a labourer employed in building a road or railway. The word is a 19th-century shortening of navigator (late 16th century), which in the 18th century was a labourer employed in the rapidly expanding enterprise of canal construction (in parts of England a canal is known as a navigation).

Cardigans參考  1854年的

Charge of the Light Brigade


Gilbert was born in London on 18 November 1836. His father, William, was a naval surgeon who later wrote novels and short stories, some of which included illustrations by his son.[9] In 1861, to supplement his income, the younger Gilbert began writing illustrated stories, poems and articles of his own, many of which would later be mined as inspiration for his plays and operas, particularly Gilbert's series of illustrated poems, the Bab Ballads.[10]

In the Bab Ballads and his early plays, Gilbert developed a unique "topsy-turvy" style in which humour was derived by setting up a ridiculous premise and working out its logical consequences, however absurd. Director and playwright Mike Leigh described the "Gilbertian" style as follows:


由於有PDF檔案,我們可以研究鄭明萱譯3處MOMENT OF TRUTH,了解她可能不知道此海明威譯自西班牙文的片語:

 In Forster's novel the moment of truth and dislocation from the typographic trance of the West comes in the Marabar Caves. Adela Quested's reasoning powers cannot cope with the total inclusive field of resonance that is India. After the Caves: Lite went on as usual, but had no consequences, that is to say, sounds did not echo nor thought develop. Everything seemed cut off at its root and therefore infected with illusion." 

The hybrid or the meeting of two media is a moment of truth and revelation from which new form is born. For the parallel between two media holds us on the frontiers between forms that snap us out of the Narcissus-narcosis. The moment of the meeting of media is a moment of freedom and release from the ordinary trance and numbness imposed by them on our senses. 

The film pushed this mechanism to the utmost mechanical verge and beyond, into a surrealism of dreams that money can buy. Nothing is more congenial to the film form than this pathos of superabundance and power that is the dower of a puppet for whom they can never be real. This is the key to The Great Gatsby that reaches its moment of truth when Daisy breaks down in contemplating Gatsby's superb collection of shirts. Daisy and Gatsby live in a tinsel world that is both corrupted by power, yet innocently pastoral in its dreaming
HYBRID ENERGY Les Liaisons Dangereuses 混種而生的能量:危險關係
快結束時,冒出一句Operations Research programs the hybrid principle as a technique of creative discovery.  原作者對"operations research"的理解很獨特,我們必須先了解3主題: O.R.、 hybrid principle和 a technique of creative discovery,而鄭明萱將programs翻譯成"設計成"。

Agatha Christie wrote far above her usual good level in a group of twelve short stories about Hercule Poirot, called The Labours of Hercules. By adjusting the classical themes to make reasonable modern parallels, she was able to lift the detective form to extraordinary intensity. Such was, also, the method of James Joyce in Dubliners and Ulysses, when the precise classical parallels created the true hybrid energy. Baudelaire, said Mr. Eliot, "taught us how to raise the imagery of common life to first intensity." It is done, not by any direct heave-ho of poetic strength, but by a simple adjustment of situations from one culture in hybrid form with those of mother. It is precisely in this way that during wars and migrations new cultural mix is the norm of ordinary daily life. Operations Research programs the hybrid principle as a technique of creative discovery.
