2019年4月5日 星期五

「史詩級」?;epic story 而不是 history. Stormfield 不是"風雨小居"


epic 形容詞
heroic or grand in scale or character.
"his epic journey around the world"

2015.01.25【台灣演義】台灣文學之母 鍾肇政 |Zhong Zhao Zheng History
應該用epic story 而不是 history。或

Chung Chao-cheng : A life

----- 【幽默大師】中英對照,王敬義譯,香港:今日世界,1964
譯自The Adventure of Mark Twain By Jerry Allen 的【讀者文摘】摘要版

本書第54頁起,將傳主的最後一間取名Stormfield 的房子,翻譯成"風雨小居"。現在資訊充足,Wikipedia都可告訴我們,Stormfield 是馬克吐溫的最後一篇短篇小說"Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven" 的主人翁名字:Elias Stormfield  (埃利亞斯 斯托姆菲爾德)。 "斯托姆菲爾德"當然不比"風雨小居"有詩意,不過比較正確點。

Stormfield was the mansion built in Redding, Connecticut for author Samuel Clemens, best known as Mark Twain, who lived there from 1908 until his death in 1910. Clemens derived the property's name from the short story "Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven." 

"Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven" is a short story written by American writer Mark Twain. It first appeared in print in Harper's Magazine in December 1907 and January 1908, and was published in book form with some revisions in 1909.
