2015年4月5日 星期日

小讀者/ hc 釋 Code of Honor

2005-04-24 12:43:53 評論賞

hc要簡介 Tyler Cowen著《商業文化禮讚》(In Praise of Commercial Culture),嚴忠志譯,北京:商務印書館,,2005

這是本翻譯、製作認真的作品,含參考資料和索引等,都翻譯出來。不過,它採取「無譯注」方式,又除索引處有英文(英文序)之外,其餘全為漢字,這可是很特別的編譯哲學。又。本書版權生效應為1998年,雖然翻譯本根據的是2000 平裝本,不應以2000為主。


There is no great work of art which does not convey a new message to humanity; there is no great artist who fails in this respect. This is the code of honor of all the great in art, and consequently in all great works of the great we will find that newness which never perishes, whether it be of Josquin des Pres, of Bach or Haydn, or of any other great master. Because: Art means New Art

----Arnold Schoenberg, Style and Idea, Selected Writings of Arnold Schoenberg (London: Faber and Faber, 1975), p.115.

沒有那一件偉大的藝術作品不向人們傳遞新的寓意;沒有那一位偉大的藝術家會在這方面無所建樹。這是藝術領域中所有偉人都信奉的榮譽準則,因為(「因此」!)我們在所有偉人的傑作中都會發現那種持久不衰的新穎性,無論它是出自諾斯坎 德普雷、巴赫、海頓,還是出自別的藝術大師。這是因為藝術意味著新的藝術。

小讀者 留言:
這篇荀柏格譯得很不錯耶, 只有consequently因果倒置.
小讀者對譯文沒有低見, 倒是讀後consequently想起最近學的一個字:
A figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite, as in This is no small problem. 

hc 留言:litotes:[名][U]《修辞学》緩叙法:控え目に言って逆に強める修辞法;not a few, not badなど. ⇒HYPERBOLE
【…….「只有consequently因果倒置. 」,consequently
Definition: (adv.) By consequence; by natural or logical sequence or connection.
Syn: See {Accordingly}.(Webster's 1913 Dictionary )。所以,「因為」為hc誤打,原文為「因此」】
可以改善的地方可能還不少,譬如說,麻煩你古狗一下: code of honor 

小讀者 留言:
code of honor的honor, 應是下解綜合, 尤其是b, 亦即"榮譽制"考試的"榮譽", 指榮譽式行為準則, 或過去的青年"守則". 榮譽制度. 榮譽信條, 標準行事. 違反就"不榮譽". 藝術大師若不創新就不榮譽了.

a. A code of integrity, dignity, and pride, chiefly among men, that was maintained in some societies, as in feudal Europe, by force of arms. b. Principled uprightness of character; personal integrity. c. A woman's chastity or reputation for chastity.
Law of honor or Code of honor, certain rules by which social intercourse is regulated among persons of fashion, and which are founded on a regard to reputation. --Paley.
【Webster's 1913 Dictionary】

Chechen code of honor: among Chechens, a code of honor stipulating that no man can cross another man's threshold without getting prior permission from that man.
Aggie Code of Honor: For many years, Aggies have followed a Code of Honor, which is this very simple verse: "Aggies do not lie, cheat, or steal, nor do they tolerate those who do." (Aggie: A student or former student of Texas A&M.)

Through the Eyes of Man - The Anglo-Saxon's code of honor. 

******謝謝小讀者之精彩演出:廣義之禮儀也; 甚至可當諸藝術家「(創新)決鬥」之禮也!(懷疑有點 pun)

code of honor :
 儀礼; 決闘の作法.(『goo辭書』)
Josquin des Pres的寫法和翻譯,有許多形式,譬如說:「若斯坎 德普雷」等等。中文網頁多用「德普雷」而已…….
