2014年11月29日 星期六

賀張華先生的blog: Alice‧Translation開張

張華先生的blog: Alice‧Translation開張了。
"翻譯半生緣" 在我的blog已有近500人點閱過。


A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court By Twain, Mark(1835-1910)
馬克‧吐溫《康州美國佬在亞瑟王朝》 何文宏、張煤譯,上海:譯文,2002

Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
http://www.gutenberg.net/dirs /etext01/4milln10.txt

Chapter 2 第二章亞瑟王朝第12頁

By his look, he was good-natured; by his gait, he was satisfied with himself. He was pretty enough to frame. He arrived, looked me over with a smiling and impudent curiosity; said he had come for me, and informed me that he was a page.

"Go 'long," I said; "you ain't more than a paragraph."

【page (BOY (in the past)
a boy who worked as a servant for a knight and who was learning to become a knight Compare pageboy (BOY).】」

CH (張華) 留言:
Marriage is not a word. It is a sentence.
Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his Bachelor's Degree and the woman gets her Masters. 」


這「法院」,是「王宮」(Hampton Court Palace)之誤解
或許可由此進入:http://www.answers.com/topic /hampton-court-palace?
Hampton Court ハンプトン・コート((ロンドン西郊のThames 河畔にある舊王宮)).

不過它的注提供些現存於V&A Museum之資料。

這種藝術史方面的知識,多少可以幫助讀者了解『康州美國佬在亞瑟王朝』(A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT by MARK TWAIN 1889;南京:譯林,2002)第7章「默林的塔樓」(p.41)的「藉題發揮」。(這本小說,其實有太多文化背景須要加註的。)
