2014年8月14日 星期四

末段翻譯討論 :Robin Williams, an Improvisational Genius, Forever Present in the Moment

médiocrité m
2:28 AM

He was an excellent and disciplined character actor, even as he was also an irrepressible, indelible character, a voice — or voices — that many of us have been hearing for as long as we can remember.

他是優異且收放自如的性格演員,即便本身也魅力無窮,深印人心,他的聲音 -- 或者說他百般的聲音 -- 早已成為吾人記憶裡的一部分。

Subj :紐約時報的翻譯有點問題嗎?

as other actor 的as ? disciplined是訓練有素嗎?

He was very good at playing it cool or quiet or restrained as other actors in his movies — Nathan Lane in “The Birdcage,” Robert DeNiro in “Awakenings,” Matt Damon in “Good Will Hunting” — brought the heat, the noise or the wildness. He was an excellent and disciplined character actor, even as he was also an irrepressible, indelible character, a voice — or voices — that many of us have been hearing for as long as we can remember.

在電影里,他也可以和其他演員一樣安靜、冷酷、剋制地呈現出這一面,傳遞出熱情、嘈雜與瘋狂——就像《鳥籠》(The Birdcage)里的內森·連恩(Nathan Lane)、《無語問蒼天》(Awakenings)里的羅伯特·德尼羅(Robert DeNiro)和《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting)里的馬特·達蒙(Matt Damon)。他是個超凡出眾、訓練有素的個性演員,同時也是一個令人無法抗拒,無法忘懷的人,他的聲音——或者說他許許多多的聲音——許多人只要聽到過一次,就永遠不會忘記。

Robin Williams, an Improvisational Genius, Forever Present in the Moment

An AppraisalBy A. O. SCOTTAugust 13, 2014

羅賓·威廉姆斯:他比煙花寂寞 (這翻譯.....哈哈)
悼文A. O. SCOTT2014年08月13日

***** 張華對話
He was very good at playing it cool or quiet or restrained as other actors in his movies [— Nathan Lane in “The Birdcage,” Robert DeNiro in “Awakenings,” Matt Damon in “Good Will Hunting” —] brought the heat, the noise or the wildness.

[原譯]在電影里,他也可以和其他演員一樣安靜、冷酷、克制地呈現出這一面,傳遞出熱情、嘈雜與瘋狂——就像《鳥籠》(The Birdcage)里的內森·連恩(Nathan Lane)、《無語問蒼天》(Awakenings)里的羅伯特·德尼羅(Robert DeNiro)和《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting)里的馬特·達蒙(Matt Damon)

[改譯]他擅長在對手演員熱情、嘈雜與瘋狂時,演出安靜、冷酷、克制的腳色—例如《鳥籠》(The Birdcage)里的內森·連恩(Nathan Lane)、《無語問蒼天》(Awakenings)里的羅伯特·德尼羅(Robert DeNiro)和《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting)里的馬特·達蒙(Matt Damon)
HC: 謝啦。應該查字典將as 弄清楚。http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/as

不拘泥other actors的字樣的話,或可譯為:


a voice — or voices — that many of us have been hearinfor as long as we can remember.


even as he was also ≠ and he was also

even as he was also ≠ as he was also




character actor is an supporting actor skilled at playing unusual or strange or interesting or odd or eccentric characters,[2][3][4][5][6] such that they are "almost unrecognizable from part to part, and yet play many, many roles convincingly and memorably."[7] The term, often contrasted with that of leading actor, is somewhat abstract and open to interpretation:[8] in a general sense, all actors can be considered as character actors since they all play 'characters',[9][9] but the usual sense is an actor who plays a distinctive and importantsupporting role.

 He is a successful character actor. 他是一個成功的性格演員。
He's a character actor. 他是個性格演員。

 hearinfor as long as we can remember.是idiom,指 hearinfor a long, long time ago.
