2015年8月10日 星期一

翻譯日記:under stress and strain; dead;悉達多 Siddhattha...

stress and strain 是材料力學的專有名詞 It is unique for each material and is found by recording the amount of deformation (strain)  at distinct intervals of tensile or compressive loading (stress). ,這些由機械Bing等來翻譯最方便,所以"應力和應變"是其對應術語。問題是,平常人不懂得這些,這可以從一本日本的英和辭典看出來:stress and strain在日常用語似可當近乎同義語。
  1. [名]
  1. 1 [C][U]((時にa ~))(精神的な)圧迫,圧力,抑圧,ストレス,緊張,緊迫
  • stresses and strains
  • ストレスと緊張

Here's Dr. Chris Nicholson's response to this weekends headline news ~ Debbie
Of course social care is under stress and strain – that’s the nature of this work. If care weren't complex, it wouldn't go so badly wrong. Care, and especially care that comes with therapeutic benefits, requires workers to have knowledge of the theory of care, human development and relationships, and crucially, enough knowledge about themselves for reflective practice to become possible.
The current government SoundBites are just not good enough. At the University of Essex in the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies academics and professionals who have actually worked within social care and are keenly in touch with both its current limits and its possibilities, have launched a new degree, BA Therapeutic Care, a pioneering programme for the next generation of care workers and healthcare assistants who will work with troubled children, adults and the elderly and who deserve to be properly equipped to do so!
A 'fit and proper person' test for directors and a care certificate for front-line staff’ will not cure the problem. Anyone can pass a test, learn how to answer a question in order to get a job. What we need is education to degree level that challenges, educates and changes a person. The fact is that in Sweden it takes three years of training to become a care assistant and the profession is respected and well paid (Bradley, 2014, 250 - 251). In the UK anyone can walk into a care home and get a job and both the social status of such roles and the pay is chronically low. This means that untrained and unsuitable people, people whose life experiences and family situations are not suited to a professional life of care and compassion, arrive in the field among the greater numbers of those who are. .
Social Care Workforce Research Unit appear to have no real plans to improve the workforce by imparting any kind of theory about care or reflective practice. We have to get on and do this ourselves.
Dr Chris Nicholson
Bradley, Peter, (2014) ‘In Sweden, it takes three years to become a support worker’ British Journal of Healthcare Assistants Vol 08. No. 05
HTTP://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33839878 這裡的 Chris · 尼科爾森博士回應這週末頭條新聞 ~ 黛比的課程社會牽掛是下的應力和應變 — — 就是這個工作的性質。 如果護理不是複雜的它不會去如此嚴重的問題。 護理和特別護理附帶治療的益處,要求工人有護理、 人類發展和關係,理論知識和關鍵的是,足夠的知識,對自己的反思性實踐成為可能。

當前政府表達本意只是不是不夠好的。 在埃塞克斯大學在為精神分析研究學者和專業人士深知聯繫其當前的局限和它的可能性,實際上已經內社會關懷中心,現正推行一個新的高度,BA 治療護理,護理人員和醫療助理,將工作與飽受困擾的孩子下一代的創業方案成年人和老年人,誰應該得到妥善準備這麼做!

董事和前線工作人員的保健證書試驗 '適當的人' ' 不會解決問題。 任何人都可以通過測試後,學習如何回答一個問題,為了得到一份工作。 我們需要的是教育的挑戰,教育,會改變一個人的水準。 事實是培訓的,在瑞典它需要三年,成為一名護理助理職業是培訓的尊重和優厚 (Bradley,2014 年,250-251)。 在英國誰都可以走進一家養老院,找一份工作和社會地位這樣的角色和薪酬是長期的低。 這意味著未經訓練和不合適的人,其人生經歷的人和家庭狀況不適應職業生活的關懷和同情,抵達之間更多的那些欄位。.

社會保健工作力研究單位似乎沒有真正的計畫,以提高工作力傳授任何種類的有關護理或反思性實踐的理論。 我們要相處和做這件事。

(2014 年) '在瑞典,需要三年時間成為一個支援工作者' 彼得,Dr Chris · 尼科爾森 Bradley 醫療助理 Vol 08 英國雜誌。05 號HTTPs://theconversation.com/…/chris-nicholson-1591…/articles


「還有供應(Din Sum) 點心嗎?」 我們問服務生。
「沒有, 廚房全部<死>了!」服務生回答。 
「甚麼?「」 我們趕緊問她!
「晚餐時間,鍋子全部<死>了 ,沒有供應點心。」 服務生補充說明。
這位服務生走了之後 ,我們全部大笑。
不知道這位服務生是哪裡人,但是我們猜想那個<死>, 應該是<洗>的意思。
That’s irresponsible. The IRS shouldn’t be caving to Republican political pressure. (IRS commissioner John Koskinen went so far as to say nonprofits could spend up to 49 percent of their money on political activities -- which is dead wrong. They’re not supposed to engage in any political activity at all.)
No longer alight:the fire had been dead for some dayshttp://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/deadadverb

1Absolutely; completely:you’re dead righthe was dead against the idea
1.1Exactly:they arrived dead on time
1.2Straight; directly:red flares were seen dead ahead
1.3British informal Very:omelettes are dead easy to prepare



「今日美國報」(USA Today)6日報導蘇迪勒颱風將侵襲台灣,原標題為「Typhoon Soudelor is taking dead aim at Taiwan」。



與Ken 談

Stranger Shores (J.M.Coetzee) 異鄉人的國度
有篇談英文過去70年對卡夫卡 城堡的翻譯問題,相關論文不少。


There are two primary sources for the translations based on the two German editions. The earliest English translations were by Edwin and Willa Muir and published by Alfred A. Knopf. These editions were widely published and spurred the late-1940s surge in Kafka's popularity in the United States. Later editions (notably the 1954 editions) had the addition of the deleted text translated by Eithne Wilkins and Ernst Kaiser. These are known as "Definitive Editions." They translated both The Trial, Definitive and The Castle, Definitive among other writings. Definitive Editions are generally accepted to have a number of biases and to be dated in interpretation.
After Pasley and Schillemeit completed their recompilation of the German text, the new translations were completed and published – The Castle, Critical by Mark Harman (Schocken Books, 1998), The Trial, Critical by Breon Mitchell (Schocken Books, 1998) and Amerika: The Man Who Disappeared by Michael Hoffman (New Directions Publishing, 2004). These editions are often noted as being based on the restored text.

Muir, Edwin, 1887-1959, British author, b. Orkney Islands, Scotland. He moved with his family to Glasgow in 1901, where he remained for 18 years. In 1919 he went to London and joined the staff on the New Age. During the early 1920s he traveled on the Continent, supporting himself chiefly with contributions to the Freeman. At the age of 35 he turned to writing poetry, producing such collections as Chorus of the Newly Dead (1926) and The Labyrinth (1949). However, it was not until his Collected Poems appeared in 1952 that Muir achieved recognition. A visionary poet, he sought in his personal, often dreamlike verse to understand the meaning of the spiritual universe. Muir is also well known as a literary critic. Included among his critical writings are The Structure of the Novel (1928), The Present Age, from 1914 (1939), and Essays on Literature and Society (1949). His other works include translations of Kafka; three novels, The Marionette (1927), The Three Brothers (1931), and Poor Tom (1932); and an excellent autobiography, The Story and the Fable (1940), which later appeared in an enlarged edition, An Autobiography (1954).
See his letters, ed. by P. H. Butter (1974); studies by G. Marshall (1987) and J. Aitchison (1988).

陳寅恪的文章不容易讀 一原音是要將引言以不同字體等標出。

Dear HC,

法明這一位出家人認為釋迦因為「無所不知」才叫「悉達」,其實「悉達」是「悉達多 Siddhattha」,意思是「財利」、「成就」。

         Ken Su

請注意各種翻譯的拼音和解義 譬如說

(Sanskrit; Pāli, Siddhattha Gotama). Name of the historical Buddha. Siddhārtha (meaning ‘one whose aim is accomplished’) was his personal name, and Gautama his clan or family name.
Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/buddha#ixzz1V9hhwW00

驚見其對Rabelaisian 說法簡陋(漢譯者又解釋得更離譜。  我去查Shorter O.E.D. ,它必須用三形容辭來說明)。


莊喆《主題‧原象---莊喆 畫展》 ,中文和英譯的錯誤還不少。
另外,翻譯者必須與原作者討論 "正方體"段, 無法省略 ,有將其翻譯為squares
一 rannsformation ㄧ evolving...
目前可能採翻譯公司負責品管 (外包給中國)

日文雪舟的是與非 名破墨實潑墨




