2008年5月15日 星期四

"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union."演講首段


"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union."
Two hundred and twenty one years ago, in a hall that still stands across the street, a group of men gathered and, with these simple words, launched America's improbable experiment in democracy. Farmers and scholars; statesmen and patriots who had traveled across an ocean to escape tyranny and persecution finally made real their declaration of independence at a
Philadelphia convention that lasted through the spring of 1787.

"We the People, in order to form a more perfect union."






第一句話"We the People, in order to form a more perfect union." 是美國憲法的序言,也是這篇演講的中心思想:我們要建立更美好的聯邦(國家)。藏在這句話背後的,是深深印在每一個 quarter 硬幣上的 "e pluribus unum" -- 合眾為一。我們不是一群不同膚色、不同祖先、或者不同文化的人,我們是一個國家。...

其次,可能從歷史看,union 不見得是聯邦,而patriots 愛那一國之人士呢?會不會是指英國的特定政治信仰者?兩者查日本Yahoo詞典:

1 [U]((形式))結合, 連合, (州・国家などの)併合, 連合, 一致団結, 融合

in union


[類語]union複数のものが結合して統一体を作る状態:the 1776 union of the colonies1776年の植民地連合. unity多様なものが融和と相互協力によって達成した統一性. 各部の画一性を意味しない:unity in diversity多様の中の統一性.

2 結合体, 組み合わせ;連合組織, 協会, 連盟, 連邦

the American Civil Liberties Union




1 愛国者, 憂国の士, 志士.

2 ((P-))パトリオット:米陸軍の地対空迎撃ミサイル.


2008年5月13日 星期二

Recovering from Success: Innovation And Technology Management in Japan


Recovering from Success: Innovation And Technology Management in Japan

本書書名之翻譯也是莫名其妙 Recovering from Success: Innovation And Technology Management in Japan --成功的引擎——日本的创新与技术管理

2008年5月7日 星期三

Disjointed Noses and the brown, the stuffing, a squeeze of orange

紐約時報報導的中國藝術品市場的情仇:An Auction of New Chinese Art Leaves Disjointed Noses in Its Wake

畫賣出去了,雙方的錢都賺到,可是中國畫家有被欺騙等問題;原標題用DISJOINTED NOSES形容中國畫家;這類似被打得鼻子脫節,不過中文可能為「鼻青臉腫」。

現在正好可請教大家黑體字之翻譯:1776年5月15日倫敦的一場著名"社交宴"。這段在 Life of Johnson – 某翻譯本雖然各別字眼都翻譯錯了the brown, the stuffing, a squeeze of orange 。不過整理氛圍還不太差。

Formosa, Elmer

羅斌 Robin Erik Ruizendaal博士最暢銷的書為:《Formosa:一座島嶼的故事》(為文建會所指定之優良兒童圖書)。

我還沒過目,不過書名採用Formosa 最好,因為它一來已成為 Taiwan的同義語,二來不會誤導台灣未來主人翁:譬如說,童書Elmer 翻譯成「大象艾瑪」。這是將陽性Elmer改為女性艾瑪(Emma)之一例。

Formosa -- The island of Taiwan was historically known as Formosa, the name given by Portuguese sailors due to the beauty of its coasts.


2008年5月2日 星期五

「布魯姆日的小段 飲食男女」翻譯比較


Its hump bumped as he took it up.會不會是茶壺蓋撞擊聲....

英漢對照、比較「布魯姆日的小段 飲食男女」


Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine.


He prodded a fork into the kidney and slapped it over: then fitted the teapot on the tray. Its hump bumped as he took it up. Everything on it? Bread and butter, four, sugar, spoon, her cream. Yes. He carried it upstairs, his thumb hooked in the teapot handle.



Nudging the door open with his knee he carried the tray in and set it on the chair by the bedhead.
-- What a time you were! she said.
──怎麼這麼慢啊!莫莉說。 【李奭學/譯】


She set the brasses jingling as she raised herself briskly, an elbow on the pillow. He looked calmly down on her bulk and between her large soft bubs, sloping within her nightdress like a shegoat's udder. The warmth of her couched body rose on the air, mingling with the fragrance of the tea she poured.

她一隻手肘撐住枕頭,一骨碌就從床上坐起,床頭的銅環震得丁東作響。布魯姆彎下腰,靜靜睇著她一身的豐腴,雙眼沿著巨大柔軟的乳房中間溜下去。睡袍裡面,一對奶子像母羊的乳房斜垂。莫莉身軀半躺,體溫浮上空中,和倒出來的茶四溢的香氣凝為一體。【李奭學/譯】 【2004/06/16 聯合報】


SERVE THE PEOPLE! 詞 resident 的聯想

resident 引文為閻連科:《為人民服務》和英文本SERVE THE PEOPLE! By Yan Lianke. Translated by Julia Lovell.

我們比較翻譯,可以知道Lovell將「軍事原則」翻譯成the People's Liberation Army's three rules of thumb,英文本並多加一條原則(翻譯成rule of thumb)。一員翻譯成擬人化的 resident,可是能否表示家族呢?「最偉大、光輝的」可是是中國的革命慣用語,待查。


Though Wu Dawang didn't know who the Division Commander meant by 'them', he did know, and better than most, the People's Liberation Army's three rules of thumb — Don't Say What You Shouldn't Say, Don't Ask What You Shouldn't Ask, Don't Do What You Shouldn't Do. He therefore went back to the kitchen to prepare soup for the Commander and his wife. And from that moment on, the sign became the most distinguished, most illustrious resident of the dining table, casting its mighty symbolic shadow over the lowly bottles of vinegar, chilli sauce and sesame oil.

resident 的注引的劍橋大學辭典很新、妙。譬如說,HUMOROUS Tony is the company's resident clown.其實,the company's resident clown 確實在十幾年前英國某大公司的編制,類似總裁的「諫官」。Clown在西方文化一直是「意味深遠」的要角,有些專書討論,