2008年3月30日 星期日

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating * No.57

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.57, 2008
331日; 2008/1/28 創刊

「美國大學出版社印象頗深的是他們出版翻譯作品。以我們SU討論過的,加州大學出版· The Age of Constantine the Great: Jacob Burckhardt...;MIT出版Journey to the East by Le Corbusier, Edited by Iv...*;哥倫比亞出版羅蘭 巴爾特;哈佛大學”海德格”;史丹佛大學”繁華物語;芝加哥大學”西遊記(全譯本和簡易本)…….


a letter to friends 近結尾;「….記得在伊斯法罕城見過一幅大壁畫,那是以前從盧浮宮學來的玩藝。畫面上,一些嬌小的女人穿著藍底黃點…….你知道這幅壁畫讓我多興奮呀!……

hc評:作者沒去過伊朗的Isfahan,他指的是他在巴黎臨摹 Mural panel: relaxation in a garden 的記憶 ….mural

real ale, lager, lunch

稍微注意 Sunday lunch
real ale
 〔英〕 純正エール ((伝統的な製法で作り貯蔵したビール)). "正宗啤酒"翻譯成"濃啤酒"不太對real ale, lager,

彻斯特大学的研究人员发现,白藜芦醇可以让肿瘤细胞对杀癌射线更加敏感,同时让健康细胞不那么容易受到影响。他们的研究成果发表在3月份的《实验医学与生 物学进展》(Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)杂志上。研究表明,红酒与常规放射疗法(即化疗--HC: 翻譯錯誤 并举,可以破坏癌细胞的线粒体,切断癌细胞的能量供应,从而有效杀死癌细胞。The Rochester researchers found that resveratrol made tumour cells more sensitive to cancer-destroying radiation while rendering healthy cells less susceptible. Published in this month's Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, their work suggests that a combination of red wine and conventional radiation or chemotherapy can be effective in killing cancer cells by crippling their mitochondria and so cutting off the cells' supply of energy. RED WINE'S NEW CANCER BOOST

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating * No.56,

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.56, 2008
330日; 2008/1/28 創刊

由於讀訃文A・マン氏死去 米脚本家

script ,screenwriter, searing


・腳本 a script-writer; a playwright; a scenarist.

不過美國-德國的英文報導都採用 screenwriter

Screenwriter Abby Mann dies
The US screenwriter Abby Mann who won an Oscar for his screenplay
for the film "Judgement at
Nuremberg" has died in Los Angeles at the
age of 80. The 1961 film, dramatising one of the many post-World War
Two trials of top Nazis, included stars such as Marlene Dietrich,
Judy Garland and Burt Lancaster. Abby Mann also won an Emmy for the
1989 film "The Simon Wiesenthal Story" about the tireless Nazi
hunter. Mann also created the character for the long-running police
detective television series "Kojak".

讀梁永安先生的翻譯,看到他對tricycle 季刊的直接翻譯,覺得奇怪。到該出版社的網站才知道他們的自圓其說。


pr說:「不錯的網站, 不過這篇談中文「敬啟者」卻錯了


一般的用法是,如果書信開頭的稱呼 (salutation) 是你不知道姓名的人,亦即我們所謂的「敬啟者」"Dear Sir","Dear Madam" 或 "Dear Sir or Madam",

敬啟者不是英文的dear sir或to whom it may concern

不是對看信人的尊稱, 尊敬的展信看信人



: 陳述

: 事情

者非人, 是事

….. 我自己是小時候承家母指正知之

只是大家以訛傳訛, 或積非成是, 以致沿用

就像信封上的稱謂, 照理應是郵差對受信人的稱呼


不過約令成俗, 也許「敬啟者」的美麗誤會或錯誤, 隨時代產生新意


Swiss-born architect, urban planner, sculptor, painter, and writer Le Corbusier (1887-1956), 原名Charles-Édouard Jeanneret 生前2月將他24歲的關鍵半年之旅遊筆記等交印。1987年美國學者編注翻譯出版,被譽為是Le Corbusier(這是他1920年採取的筆名)百年慶最有動識力之作品:內容遠比法文本豐富得多: Journey to the East by Le Corbusier, Edited by Iv...


*紀念:Le Corbusier and the Tragic View of Architecture。(王錦堂譯)。台北:臺隆書店。

這本書校者可能是高手;唯一遺憾是索引不過細-好,翻譯也多處和內容的不一致,譬如說 moral police等等條目:· The Age of Constantine the Great: Jacob Burckhardt...

2008年3月29日 星期六

Robert Fagles, the renowned translator of Latin and Greek

Robert Fagles, Translator of the Classics, Dies at 74

Published: March 29, 2008

Robert Fagles, the renowned translator of Latin and Greek whose versions of Homer and Virgil were unlikely best sellers and became fixtures on classroom reading lists, died on Wednesday at his home in Princeton, N.J., where he was an emeritus professor at Princeton University. He was 74.

Skip to next paragraph
Laura Pedrick for The New York Times

Robert Fagles in 2006.


Sidebar: Translating Homer: To Each His Own Muse (March 29, 2008)

Translating Virgil's Epic Poem of Empire (October 30, 2006)

Reviews of Robert Fagles's Translations: 'The Aeneid' | 'The Odyssey' | 'The Iliad'

The cause was prostate cancer, said his wife, Lynne, to whom he had been married for 51 years.

Mr. Fagles translated Aeschylus and Sophocles, among other authors, but he is most famous for his versions of “The Iliad,” published in 1990; “The Odyssey,” in 1996; and “The Aeneid,” which came out in 2006. All were published by Viking.

He is one of very few translators to have taken on all three of the great classical epics — something that not even Pope attempted — and all three have sold millions of copies, both in print and in audio versions narrated by Derek Jacobi, Ian McKellen and Simon Callow.

Their success was due largely to Mr. Fagles’s gifts as a writer. He was not an exactingly literal translator but rather one who sought to reinterpret the classics in a contemporary idiom. He once compared his job to writing Braille for the blind, and said that he imagined in a generation or two that someone would have to come along and re-Braille it.

While faithful to the spirit and intent of the original, his translations were remarkable for their narrative energy and verve. His “Iliad” and “Odyssey” had a Homeric swagger, said the poet Paul Muldoon, a colleague at Princeton, who also compared Mr. Fagles’s epic vision to that of film directors like Sergio Leone and Sam Peckinpah.

His version of Virgil’s “Aeneid,” for example, has a natural, unforced syntax and language that are at once heightened and colloquial as he describes the Trojan horse being pulled into the city:

We breach our own ramparts, fling our defenses open,
all pitch into the work. Smooth running rollers
we wheel beneath its hoofs, and heavy hempen ropes
we bind around its neck, and teeming with men-at-arms
the huge deadly engine climbs our city walls.

Robert Fagles was born in Philadelphia on Sept. 11, 1933. His father, a lawyer, died when Mr. Fagles was 14, an event that he later said made him particularly susceptible to the persistent father-son theme in classical literature. He was reared by his mother, who was trained as an architect but who never became a practicing one.

His high school, Lower Merion, in Ardmore, Pa., offered Latin, but Mr. Fagles took German, because the German teacher was popular. He did not become interested in the classics until his freshman year, in 1952, at Amherst College, where he began as a pre-med student and later switched to English. He studied Latin and Greek on the side at Amherst — “smuggling it in,” he later said — and did the same at the Yale Graduate School, where he got his Ph.D. in English in 1959.

One of his classics teachers at Yale was Bernard Knox, who became a lifelong friend and who wrote introductions to Mr. Fagles’s “Iliad,” “Odyssey” and “Aeneid.”

After teaching at Yale for a year, Mr. Fagles joined the faculty at Princeton as an English teacher in 1960 and remained at Princeton until he retired, in 2002. He was an immensely popular teacher and also the creator and longtime head of the university’s department of comparative literature. In June the university awarded him an honorary doctorate.

In addition to his wife, Mr. Fagles is survived by two daughters, Katya, of Randolph, N.J., and Nina, of Hampden, Me., and three grandchildren.

Mr. Fagles said he had never planned to tackle the big three of classical literature. He began by setting himself some smallish tasks of translation, just as an exercise. His first published translation, of the Greek poet Bacchylides, came out in 1961, and it was followed by versions of “The Oresteia,” by Aeschylus, and of Sophocles’ three Theban plays (“Antigone,” “Oedipus the King” and “Oedipus at Colonus”) before he felt ready to take on the epics. To get through them, he remarked later, required a “lot of nerve and a lot of luck.”

He also said he couldn’t decide which of the epics was his favorite. Some days were Iliadic, he said — you felt you were in a war — and some were more like the Odyssey, when all you wanted to do was go home.

But “The Aeneid,” he said, had proved to be unexpectedly timely and relevant, describing it as “a tale of exhortation.”

“It says that if you depart from the civilized, then you become a murderer,” he said in an interview with The New York Times in 2006. “The price of empire is very steep, but Virgil shows how it is to be earned, if it’s to be earned at all. The poem can be read as an exhortation for us to behave ourselves, which is a horse of relevance that ought to be ridden.”

2008年3月27日 星期四

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating * No.55

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.55, 2008
328日; 2008/1/28 創刊


While an agreement is far from certain, it would be a huge boost for the fledgling jet program. By renting new airplanes to growing airlines, ILFC seeded hundreds of Airbus planes at airlines world-wide during the European plane maker's infancy.

儘管協議還遠未敲定﹐但這會大大推動這個尚處萌芽狀態的飛機項目。通過向成長中的航空公司租賃新飛機﹐國際租賃金融公司在空中客車處於發展初期時向全球航空公司租賃了數百架空中客車飛機。Japan Gets Ready To Take To The Skies 日本打算造飛機 (此篇說明日本或為空中巴士(客車)公司之「苗裔」(杜牧)

fledgling (NEW), fledgeling 翻譯為「萌芽狀態」採取植物比喻,無法表達原文”羽翼漸豐、開始習飛之新飛機發展事業”之雙義。






正面用法可謂「跑在客戶前面」-->預知客戶心事 :-)




【英】以賽亞·伯林著 浪漫主義的根源The Roots of Romanticism),亨利·哈代編,呂樑等譯,南京:譯林出版社,2008

Isaiah Berlin, The Roots of Romanticism, ed. Henry Hardy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999).

Shopping Cart | Reviews | Table of Contents
Chapter 1

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *No.54

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.54, 2008
327日; 2008/1/28 創刊


很久以前,明目賴先生有次教女兒翻譯,讓我印象深刻。前幾周,知道此學風早已不再。我就建議此類練習。…….) 我的目的是信、達。

I was never encouraged to follow my father into his theatrical agency*. He was the last of the Victorians and considered it inappropriate for any daughter of his to go into business. inappropriate, theatrical



許多翻譯不容易還原,這樣的翻譯好嗎? WSJ 用「談判中的話語權」、「討價還價的能力」。


「兩大煉鋼廠商萊蕪鋼鐵股份有限公司(Laiwu Steel Corp. Ltd.)和濟南鋼鐵股份有限公司(Jinan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.)已經同意合併﹐此舉旨在整合中國的鋼鐵產業﹐以及在原材料成本急劇上漲之際加強與鐵礦石生產商討價還價的能力。」)

首先我必須查:(到底什麼是話語權呢?這個字在法律意義上有權利right)和權力power)兩種不同的含義,相應地互聯網時代的話語權也有話語權利和話語權力兩層涵義。 .

我以為它的原文可能是:Negotiation power( can be defined as "the ability of the negotiator to influence the behavior of another. Commentators have observed a variety of aspects and ...)

不料原作者用的是:gain more leverage with

Two of China's top steelmakers -- Laiwu Iron & Steel Group Co. and Jinan Iron & Steel Group Co. -- have agreed to merge in an effort to consolidate China's steel industry, as well as gain more leverage with iron-ore producers at a time of soaring raw-material costs.

2008年3月23日 星期日

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *No.53

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.53, 2008
324日; 2008/1/28 創刊


studio 原是義大利文,基本上認真研究。不過或許有時候翻譯者會只看到當今之義,從而作了過份的解釋。在雷諾茲【皇家美術學院十五講Reynolds, Joshua. Fifteen Discourses Delivered to the Royal Academy.】代亭譯,上海人民出版社,2007p. 141,此studio 翻譯為照相室,並有一3行的說明為什麼如此翻譯--我覺得是匪夷所思



我因為無知,以為現在簡稱為Russia的不是聯邦:The Federal Military Memorial Cemetery, 不過我認為對oppress (MAKE UNCOMFORTABLE) 的了解是對的。

cutoff 意思為A designated limit or point of termination.就是上述 說明

不過,the cutoff是否應該翻譯成"分水嶺"呢? 我不贊成 -- 這在中文是另外意思: cutoff,complications

2008年3月22日 星期六

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *No.52

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.52, 2008
323日; 2008/1/28 創刊


the union card


最重要的思想因為標點符號看錯或英文誤解而翻譯錯誤(中文本第49頁):雷諾茲【皇家美術學院十五講】Discourses on Art, by Joshua Reynolds

assumed that grand style of painting, which improves partial representation by the general and invariable ideas of nature. 宏偉的風格(中文本第12頁)

From what has been advanced, we must now be convinced that there are two distinct styles in history painting: the grand, and the splendid or ornamental.




Delivered to the Students of the Royal Academy on the Distribution of the Prizes, December 10, 1771, by the President.)

Seven Discourses on Art, by Joshua Reynolds

2008年3月21日 星期五

the union card


劉若愚教授能在美國知名的芝加哥大學立足,靠的是等身的學術著作。祖師奶奶欠的就是行家戲稱的工會證書the union card):博士學位。

hc案:此處the union card 實在不宜翻譯為「工會證書」。


union, labor union, union card

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *No.51

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.51, 2008
322日; 2008/1/28 創刊

Countries Of The Mind (1922/1931) 此書名被後人習用多次

Author: John Middlestone Murray


這本書在錢鍾書先生的談藝錄一書中共引三次,作者姓都拼成Murry 並有兩種不同的翻譯。

主要問題是不同時間的筆記:最明顯的是Milton 可以有四種中文:彌(密)爾頓(敦)。

Countries Of The Mind

針對 "譯場(su)報告" * On Translating * No.50

創世紀:Chapter 3 5/節之gods




……. 我們首先注意到,上面那句引言中的主詞「上帝」是以複數形式出現的(也就是說「諸神」),但動詞卻是單數的 « créa » 而非複數的 « créèrent »。其實,本來應該寫成:「諸神創造了(Dieux créa)」,但如此一來就會不合乎文法!再加上上帝是取自己的形象去造人(譯注5的,人──跟上帝一樣──同時既是單數又是複數,因為這個新誕生的人既是男性又是女性(而不是女)。……. 上帝是「獨一無二的」,但祂不是「獨自一個的」(「三位一體便可茲證明);人也是「獨一無二的」,但人是「雙重的」:同時既是男又是女。




hc:「馮象譯創世紀時一小注說"上帝和其天廷神 也通" (類似)


7上主天主用地上的灰土形成了人,在他鼻孔內吹了一口生氣,人就成了一個有靈的生物。7And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

2008年3月20日 星期四

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating * No.50

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.50, 2008
321日; 2008/1/28 創刊

主題:上周在RD發現將gods等翻譯成單數的神的。忘記錄下。昨晚翻錢鍾書先生的談藝錄一書,提到創世紀:Chapter 3 5/節之gods 之原委(他說在GotheFaust終於將它說成 God……)。

我找出英文本,都為 gods,不過新舊教的中文本都「翻譯成單數的神」。以下是思高本


4And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death.


3But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of paradise, God hath commanded us that we should not eat; and that we should not touch it, lest perhaps we die.

· god (SPIRIT)

· God (MAKER)

感謝梁永安先生:on the G.I. Bill,

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating * No.49

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.49, 2008
320日; 2008/1/28 創刊

主題:「英」文 vs 美語

forest/wood, trees

見樹又見林(The Forest and the Trees)

Allan G. Johnson/著《見樹又見林:社會學作為一種生活、實踐與承諾》The Forest and the Trees: Sociology as Life, Practice, and Promise;

許俊雄. 見樹又見林 -- 文學看台灣 台北:國立編譯館/渤海堂,2005




我讀這篇《中英對照》Woman jailed over late library books婦女因晚還圖書館書而坐牢。一直搞不清楚:究竟是美國或英國的文章?其中英鎊、美金都用;監獄似是美國。
又,traffic police 似乎是英國說法。(US SLANG traffic cops)


2008年3月19日 星期三

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *No.48

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
8, 2008319日; 2008/1/28 創刊

就文字部分而言,本書(王大閎作品集 國立台北技術學院建築系,1995) 可能近半是翻譯。


All I want is to speak simply;

For this grace I pray

For we have loaded down even the song

With so many kinds of music

That gradually it sinks.

And our art we so decorated

That beneath the gilt

Its face is eaten away.

And it is now time for us to say

The few words we have to say

Because tomorrow our soul sets sail.

by the Greek poet Seferis Wikipedia article "Giorgos Seferis". 1900-71

Walter Gropius Wikipedia article "Walter Gropius". 1883-1969





(For his part, Seligman home-schools the children he had with his second wife. He says he likes to balance the standard high-school fare he gives the older ones with "books in which notions of virtue and nobility do not end in humiliation and death," like Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" and Arthur C. Clarke's "Childhood's End.")

訃文: Arthur C. Clarke, 90, Science Fiction Writer, Dies

hc:「每次談歷史,或發展史,我們不免要慨嘆像 IE、QC、OR等曾經是很有力的東西,它們像佛教中的「筏」,曾經為先賢們聰明而努力以赴造成,協助多少人「渡過苦海,如今是否該功成身退?經過輝煌的20世紀,它們是否已經近黃昏了呢?是否衰亡了呢? 也許,他們面臨的是《再見,童年(Childhood’s End)》—這本書是我30年前的舊識,從BBC的改編廣播激發。多年以後才有翻譯:A. C. Clarke 著, 童年末日(Childhood's End), 鍾慧元、葉李華譯, 天下文化,2000」


2010太空漫遊《2010:奥德赛之二》 2010Odyssey Two Phantasia, 1982

我比較不清楚的是Rama之翻譯:(The "Rama" of the title is the starship, which is initially mistaken for an asteroid and named after the Hindu deity Rama. (By the 22nd century, we are told, scientists have run out of Greek and Roman mythological figures to name astronomical bodies after.) The nature and purpose of the starship and its creators remains enigmatic throughout the book.

━━ n. 【ヒンドゥー教】ラーマ ((Vishnu神のいくつかの化身;特に第7化身Ramachandra)).

Clarke氏は単独あるいは共同で、何十冊ものフィクション/ノンフィクションの作品を執筆した。最も有名なのは「2001年宇宙の旅(原題: 2001: A Space Odyssey)」で、のちにStanley Kubrick監督によって映画化された。Wikipediaによると、他の代表作は「宇宙のランデヴー(原題:Rendezvous with Rama)」「幼年期の終り(原題:Childhood's End)」「楽園の泉(原題:The Fountains of Paradise)」など。

2008年3月15日 星期六

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating * No.45

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.45, 2008年3月16日; 2008/1/28 創刊

夏山知多少:''Summer Mountains,'' or Summerhill or


''Summer Mountains,'' attributed to Qu Ding

台灣一向誤譯Wikipedia article "Summerhill School". (即使直譯hill ,也只是是丘、小山)

Columbia Encyclopedia: Summerhill,

radical progressive school in Leiston, Suffolk, England, and the educational movement based on principles developed at the school. The school was founded (1924) by A. S. Neill, who headed the institution until his death in 1973. Students range between the ages of 6 and 17. The main principle behind the operation of the school is freedom. There is no compulsory attendance at classes, and most administrative questions are decided jointly by students and teachers. In 1999–2000 the British government threatened to close Summerhill, charging it failed to provide some children with an adequate education as a result of allowing them the freedom to control their learning. Under a negotiated agreement Summerhill's freedom-based educational program was preserved. A number of schools based on similar principles, in both Britain and the United States, describe themselves as Summerhill schools.


See A. S. Neill, Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing (1960); J. Walmsley, Neill & Summerhill: A Man and His Work (1969); H. H. Hart, ed., Summerhill: For & Against (1970).

Conceptual art, idea art, Zhao Mengfu :『概念藝術』、『觀念藝術』字面不一樣:哲學上區分,不過….

Peopleware: 腦力密集產業的人才管理之道

霍布洛爾因素 Horatio Hornblower

· closure

· clique

白先勇取「世說新語」的「樹猶如此」故事作為其散文論文集書名。 ,


前幾年說,如果寫回憶錄,考慮取名『台灣檜(古名)』。童年的榕、油加利,柚、芭樂、鳳凰木 …….也記憶深;大肚山的相思樹 ……..英國的橡樹、榆樹……

我喜歡 Thomas Lewis 生前寫他家庭院數百年的「樹精」之散文。

NPR Living Life with 'Grace and Elegant Treeness'


覺得除了結語:There are those who want to give my life more importance than the tree, but I don't believe them. They think there is a special place for me somewhere for eternity, but I don't believe them. I believe my tree and all other living things believe and feel in their particular living ways. I want to work on being as good a human as I am able, just as my tree does her job with grace and elegant treeness. 之外,整篇都可讀

Hardy said life was a train of suffering punctuated by illusory moments of happiness.

Thomas Hardy詩集Moments of Vision名詩 "Transformations"The French Lieutenant's Woman[法国中尉的女人] 23章引用:

Portion of this yew

Is a man my grandsire knew ...

Hardy, “Transformations”


Portion of this yew

Is a man my grandsire knew,

Bosomed here at this foot:

This branch may be his wife,

A ruddy human life

Now turned to a green shoot.

These grasses must be made

Of her who often prayed,

Last century, for repose;

And the fair girl long ago

Whom I often tried to know

May be entering this rose.

So they are not underground

But as nerves and veins abound

In the growths of upper air,

And they feel the sun and rain,

And the energy again

That made them what they were!


李田意先生的「哈代評傳」(台北商務「人人文庫」, 1966影印, pp.206-7)翻譯了哈代的「變形」。( hc無法接受他的「個」(這也許市一派翻譯理論;不過 transformations 是複數,更重要,卻無翻譯。);「扁柏」(yew n. - 紫杉, 紅豆杉, 紫杉木)、「一個赤紅色的人生 」(健康紅潤的一生)似乎都錯)












……. 他們感覺到太陽和雨



「一椀喉吻潤 両椀破孤悶 三椀捜枯腸 唯有文字五千巻 四椀発 軽汗 平生不平事尽向毛孔散 五椀肌骨清 六椀通仙霊 七椀喫不得也 唯覚両腋習習清風生」。もちろん縦書きで、書かれている。


 訳を要約すると、「一杯目のお茶で、喉や唇の渇きが潤う。二杯目で孤独が消える。三杯目で腸に染み渡り、そこには学んだ知識があるだけ(何の野心 もない)。四杯目で軽く汗をかき、ふだんの不平が毛穴から発散していく。五杯目で皮膚から骨まで清らかになる。六杯目で仙人のようになる。七杯目はもう飲 む必要がないくらいで、両脇に清らかな風が生まれる」。

2008年3月14日 星期五

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *No.44

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.44, 2008年3月15日; 2008/1/28 創刊

「迪士尼對於審稿的把關動作讓《小查與寇弟的頂級生活》的譯者更是戰戰兢兢。哈佛人出版社所聘的譯者歐桂伶目前是一位全職媽媽,曾經留美,也曾在當地的中文學 校教導華裔小朋友,回台後並曾任職于電視台與出版社。在翻譯迪士尼這一系列的電視改編小說時,她不僅在文字上字斟句酌,更詳盡地加入注釋,希望可以幫助讀 者銜接文化上的落差。

為什麼這麼強調注釋呢?譯者歐桂伶表示之所以翻譯的每本書都加上注釋,是因為自己每次看或講述翻譯書給孩子聽時,常常 有些書中提到的文化背景並未同時提供解釋,還得自己翻書或上網查資料,所以當她擔任譯者時,就想幫忙和她一樣的讀者或是爸媽,提供進一步的資料在書中,這 時閱讀起來不只輕鬆,也可以學很多知識。」

Peopleware: 腦力密集產業的人才管理之道

湯姆.狄馬克 提摩西.李斯特Peopleware 腦力密集產業的人才管理之道 (Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, 2nd ed.)台北:經濟新潮社,2007

這是重譯本。有索引。書中章節標題如第13章「 雨傘步」(兒童遊戲)等,如果沒有作者幫忙解釋,很少人會懂得它的。

gradient 這字在數學上稱為"梯度"

In my two years at Bell Labs, we worked in two-person offices. They were spacious, quiet, and the phones could be diverted. I shared my office with Wendl Thomis who went on to build a small empire as an electronic toy maker. In those days, he was working on the ESS fault dictionary. The dictionary scheme relied upon the notion of n-space proximity, a concept that was hairy enough to challenge even Wendl's powers of concentration. One afternoon, I was bent over a program listing while Wendl was staring into space, his feet propped up on the desk. Our boss came in and asked, "Wendl! What are you doing?" Wendl said, "I'm thinking." And the boss said, "Can't you do that at home?"

hairy 不是吃重 是極難

proximity 喻空間"接近"而非"近似"hairy

'Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it..' (Henry Ford) 「思考一事至難,或因此世人甚少用腦。」(讀者文摘,1996年7月,p.149))

hc非難:這一翻譯似乎沒法將there is"語氣"表達。它比較像半世紀之後的受過高教之Peter Drucker 的"說法 : 'Thinking is very hard work. And management fashions are a great substitute for thinking.' "譯場(su)報告" * On Translating * No.43

“Wang Xizhi Watching Geese,” ink and color on a paper scroll, painted around 1295 by Qian Xuan and on view in “Anatomy of a Masterpiece: How to Read Chinese Paintings,” at the Met.

錢選《王羲之觀鵝圖卷/「王右軍観鵞図」》元紙本設色23.1×92.3 公分美國紐約大都會博物館/メトロポリタン美術館 ......





錢選1239年?~1301年?)字舜舉,號玉潭,別號巽峰等,中國元代畫家,吳興(今浙江湖州)人,工青綠山水(blue and green)。錢選- Wikipedia 日文版更豐富:

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating * No.43

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.43, 2008年3月14日; 2008/1/28 創刊




Wanted: Old Photos of NTU Memory」

二:校史館= Gallery of NTU History

'Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it..' (Henry Ford) 「思考一事至難,或因此世人甚少用腦。」(讀者文摘,1996年7月,p.149))

hc非難:這一翻譯似乎沒法將there is"語氣"表達。它比較像半世紀之後的受過高教之Peter Drucker 的"說法 : 'Thinking is very hard work. And management fashions are a great substitute for thinking.'

Dad's sly grin reflected the devilment that had returned to his eyes.
( 問: sly有翻譯嗎?) sly devilment

如何翻譯There is a God!

(HUMOROUS said in a bad situation when something good happens unexpectedly)

劉岸偉 小泉八雲與近代中國 盛莉譯,武昌:武漢大學出版社,2007

這本書可談的東西多。現在我舉其中一例 (p.30)

But in the utterance of affection there is a tenderness of timbre common to the myriad million voices of all humanity.

胡愈之不知為什麼將標題 A Street Singer 翻譯成 街頭的歌


2008年3月12日 星期三


"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.42, 2008
313日; 2008/1/28 創刊

Humor is not a trick, not jokes. Humor is a presence in the world –like grace – and shines on everybody.

張華先生妙筆:「幽默不是捉狹,也不是說笑話。幽默是人情之常,有如寬容,使人如沐春風。」 請比較:"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating * No.41

Childhood is remembered because it is passionate. When I look at my own children, I am reminded all over again of how it felt to feel everything--the cross of childhood that later on we turn to gold.
人們記得兒時舊事, 因為那是熱情充溢的時期 。我看著我自己的孩子們, 常會想到幼時對樣樣事物都有能濃厚的感受。兒時受的這種罪, 是後來珍貴的回憶。("赤子情" Justin Light A Candle 讀者文摘19845月)」
我的質疑是THE CROSS 翻譯成「這種罪」:這CROSS 應該是:A trial, affliction, or frustration. See synonyms at burden1.,就此篇,翻譯成似乎說不過去。


SU過去的資料(hc):「 ……他是一位根深柢固的反動主義者,不過今日能完全了解他的教訓的人,只有那些對人類力量有信念的人,他們相信那些在自己的工作中認出自身高貴性的人,這些人知道康拉德所珍視的『忠實原則』不只適用於過去而已。」(李譯, pp. 195-96

嚴格說,這段翻譯不太好,大部分讀者可能看不懂。我想「反動主義者」用「社經政治上保守者」或許比較好。而我覺得更重要的是『忠實原則』( Principle of fidelity),它是 Conrad的基本價值觀,是「這個非永恆社會建立在幾個自古以來即有之的簡單原則之第一原則」,我們必須了解它。用他的話來說,「人的社會要穩定只有通過忠誠,也就是說通過自願的誓約,不背判自己細心考慮過所參加的組織。」(天津百花文藝的『大海如鏡』之附錄法國莫洛亞所寫的專文。)




「作者聲稱詩不 可翻譯,建議讀者閱讀原文,但他仍以研究的精神,帶讀者走進抒情詩柔美的音韻。」李耀宗《諸神的黎明與歐洲詩歌的新開始》台北:允晨出版,2008